A Wedding in Hong Kong 香港婚禮

wedding photographer hong kong
Published: 20 November 2014
A Wedding in Hong Kong 香港婚禮

The traditional Chinese wedding begins early in the morning.
At 4 am start the preparations of the bride.
Later the groom joins her but before she has to overcome some tests organized by friends.
Finally meets her and her family started the tea ceremony.
the bride is "kidnapped" and together reach the home of the groom's parents.
The parents give the bride and groom, money, contained in the traditional red envelopes and jewelry.
It 's time the religious ceremony in many cases, couples choose the Catholic Church.
The reception is 4 hours later, at the party the bride will change 3 times dress makeup and hairstyle.
It 'a very long day but the colors, the kindness and the oriental style, make this event something unique and wonderful
I was welcomed as a guest and a friend, thank you all for this.
Also this time the Asia appeared to me as a fabulous world
A unique experience, a look "western" in a very special day.

Was a privilege to have one of the best photographers in the world document our wedding. Cristiano was not only talented, but was kind and humble.

Clarence Cheung

I thank Clarence and Priscilla, it was an honor to be your photographer in Hong Kong.
A wonderful place with great people.
your wedding was amazing.

Cristiano Ostinelli