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The Inspiration Blog – Cohesive Photographers

February 08, 2011 //  News Back to posts

Okay, I admit it- I blog mostly about myself. I don't think I'm narcissistic (although I suppose most narcissistic people are in denial), I just figure if you wanted to read about someone else, you'd go to their blogs, right? ;-) The truth is, I'm a super-fan of other people's photography.

This brings me to the topic of the evening. I’d like to dedicate this post to the photographers that inspire me. Now, in no way is this the complete list of my favorite photographers… My favorites come and go. These are the artists who’s work is currently in my thoughts at the present moment. You see, I need to leave you in good hands for awhile. I will be headed out to India on Sunday for a personal project with filmmaker Cale Glendening (who’s video work inspires me deeply) and Ryan McCarney (if he wasn’t lifting weights, scarfing down protein bars and 8 steaks a day, he might actually be able to become a good photographer.) During this time I will be writing a journal which eventually I will turn into a really long blog post. For now, I recommend following the work of the below photographers.

Here’s my list for the time being, in no particular order:

Pieter Hugo

What all these photographer’s have is a cohesiveness about their work. When I see one of their photographs I think “damn, there’s another great Scott Schafer” or “Lara has made me jealous yet again.” When I say cohesiveness, I’m not saying all their shots look the same. What I mean is that they have a certain polish… a certain trademark that defines them. It’s like a good album- the songs are all different but have some kind of unity being from the same musician recorded in that era of their career. This is what I truly admire in a photographer.

Sometimes it can take years to get this right. I’ve known some of these photographer’s personally for a long time and their first work is nothing like what you see in their portfolios today. It took time and constant visual exploration to have this unique vision. So now when these artists have a gallery show, or when clients go looking to hire an artist for a specific job, they know what visual niche each photographer is fulfilling. Seldom will a client pick a “one size fits all” photographer, they will hire a specialist who can pull of exactly what they need to accomplish. Having a personal “zing” is also what makes many photographers survive in the industry at once.

This vision doesn’t mean the artist’s work stays the same. It is also ever-evolving, their style constantly is pushed to the limit and grows naturally with the photographer. As an image maker myself, I feel inspired (and to be honest, sometimes a little pissed off) watching these talented individuals flourish both creatively, and in business.


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alim // February 08, 2011 20:27

Thanks for sharing! Always looking for some new inspiration. Have a good trip! PS. Will be emailing you soon.

Cameraluv // February 08, 2011 20:29

Lara's work is amazing. Didn't know about her. Thanks for sharing your favorites.

Tweets that mention The Inspirational Photographer Blog - Cohesive Photographers | Joey L : The Blog -- // February 08, 2011 21:38

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Photography, francoishogue and Booom, shaun photo news. shaun photo news said: The Inspiration Blog – Cohesive Photographers [...]

Alex Brennan Kearns // February 08, 2011 21:51

Hi Man, I totally get what you mean about the style. I love when photographers innately develop one just by sheer perseverance and not even aware that they having a resounding familar umph to their images.Regards,Alex

Aaron // February 08, 2011 22:17

Thanks for sharing this list, Joey. It's nice knowing which photographers inspire you. I've followed a bunch of these guys and gals for quite a while, but you also introduced me to a few new ones, as well.Have a safe trip to India, and I look forward to seeing what you bring back!Take care, Aaron

Antonio Medeiros // February 08, 2011 23:21

Hello, I've been watching Lara's work for many years!And I simply get "jealous" by every photo of her that I see.Jealous in a good way, because she gives me power to continue doing what I love, what we both love.I've started a almost three years ago and I still don't have any professional/university deggree on Photography.Thanks for this post.Keep all the good work up! ;)António

Guru Bites // February 08, 2011 23:29

I like your 'good album' analogy. I guess it comes from the process and the way the brain thinks, it really leaves a mark on art which is somehow recognisable. As with music, it's the artist that evolves that will be remembered and have impact.

Norman // February 09, 2011 00:27

Thanks for sharing Joey. I do remember your early work from the DPchallenge days and it's amazing how to see you progressed though time. I have to say that you did inspired me for sure ( I still have the 1st DVD) and nice to know how other photographer inspire you. Best of luck!

Mark Lehn // February 09, 2011 02:46

Hi Joey

I am also in India next week working on a project on bonded labour in the marble mines Makrana Rajasthan.I am always inspired by Phil Borges, Pieter Hugo and the work you did in Ethiopia. Look forward to checking out your photos from India! Safe travels


peter hearl Photography // February 09, 2011 08:00

Great Blog post joey, realy enjoyed looking at all the other photographers websites, have a great trip can't wait to see what you do is time, Peter

Angy Franklin // February 09, 2011 17:26

Thanks so much for sharing. These are some amazing photographers. Definitely inspiring.

SarahC // February 09, 2011 18:44

Thanks for sharing this Joey. Will go check them out now.

Zurina Bryant // February 10, 2011 00:27

Thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed checking out everyone's websites...always viewing, always learning, always wanting to be continually inspired!

Anthon Cauper // February 10, 2011 01:05

personally I like the photographic work of Rossie Hardie and Lara jade, I like the softness in their compositions, the difference with you Joey is that your photos are natural, something I really like, obviously there's a post processing but I mean on the composition, excellent work; in my case I follow usually designers, photographers and graphic artist, this one is my fav designer

kris // February 10, 2011 05:40

Hey Joey, I was watched your movie. I was wondering if you know for sure that "amale"? thinks she is married to you or not.? Not that she is waiting for you... Just wondering! ;)

Caseyb // February 10, 2011 06:10

Interesting post. You don't always find blogs about photographers writing about other photographers who they admire and it's cool to hear why they have your attention and admiration. Thanks to this I've discovered some photographers I'd never known about. Have a great time in India. Looking forward to some new work while your over there.

Ryan Lue-Clarke // February 11, 2011 00:17

Thanks for sharing, I've been following up Lara Jade's work as well but i'm definately gonna check out all the others later tonight as well. Inspiration from other artists drives my passion even further, cheers.

Geoff Ames // February 12, 2011 03:47

Good thoughts on that post. Gives me something to work with. You going to do any shows in the Boston area or somewhere on the east coast? Peace.

Mathieu Wauters // February 12, 2011 16:15

Thanks for sharing these Joey! I knew of a couple of those photographers but checking out the unknown sites and art was really awesome.

alex // February 13, 2011 21:31

i hope the people reading this will either be educated or be motived to educate themselves with established and revered photographers as well as the more viral and social marketing based photographers you have named.

Raul Lamoso // February 14, 2011 22:41

I can´t believe you don´t have my blog among your favorites !!!! XD

Robert // February 15, 2011 18:07

Thanks for listing these -- fun to see good work!

Takeshi So // February 16, 2011 23:07

Have a excelent journey with Cale, you both work excelent together. And thanks for the this post.

Lucía // February 18, 2011 12:42

I personally started reading your blog cuz I saw I picture of you at lara's gallery, Im a big fan of her work and now Im a big fan of yours. Congratulations and keep it up, also thank you for sharing all those artist works.(: Gracias Joey

Vincent // February 20, 2011 21:56

Awesome, thanks for sharing Joey! Few photographers that a didn't knew before. Really like all of them in a different way. All of them really got that typical remarkeble style! Someday i also hope to create and shoot in a certain way with my own style.

John Coyne // February 21, 2011 08:00

thank you for this post, i rarely do posts like this one either but, when you do it feels good to let everyone know how much others inspire us and how much respect we have for their work, keep up the great work joey-jc

Nacho Santes // March 01, 2011 00:33

Eres un magnífico Fotógrafo el que compartas tus influencias te hace mas grandioso. saludos desde México

JP Danko // March 06, 2011 17:32

Thanks for the post - its really cool to see a collection of great photography. Just what I needed mid winter! Cheers.

Coach Outlet // March 11, 2011 00:12

I'm pleased I found this weblog, I couldnt discover any info on this subject matter earlier to. I also operate a site and if you want to ever severe in a little bit of guest writing for me if possible really feel free to let me know, i am usually look for people to check out my site.Hey, appreciate it for taking the effort to do this. I like your webpage, although it took a sluggish reader like me some time to via throughout entire page and the many comments.

a Nikon Girl // March 11, 2011 10:17

You´re hot.

anthon cauper // March 21, 2011 23:39

after checking the works of these people I think Rose Hardie is really good, I like her photoworks better to lara jade, and obviusly the other guys are really good too =)

Momchil // March 24, 2011 02:30

Dude , you are a huge inspiration to me , hope I get get to your level some day ! Keep it going !

Stephen Gormley // March 29, 2011 00:17

As photographers it is easy to feel that your style isn't where you would like it to be, but as you point out, we need to remember that a style or look takes time, hard work and practice for it to meaningfully evolve. There are some fantastic photographers here, and some whos work you have introduced me to. Thanks!

Gage Thompson // April 15, 2011 23:38

Thanks for sharing these photographers with everyone!

les g // April 20, 2011 02:49

pieter hugo is my fav.. informative blog joey

Jeffrey Castillo // May 03, 2011 05:03

"do you have what it takes to be a spy master?" lol.. classic. Good post, would've never found out about these photogs.

Jacob T // May 06, 2011 05:41

Ya need to update this blog more often man! haha

Gonzalo // May 09, 2011 08:04

A friend of mine posted me your link and just discoverd you today. Great work and great photographers. Talking about a visual niche each photographer is fulfilling here's one of my inspirations. like sharing. As we say in spanish.Exito! en tu viaje. (succes on your trip, luck is for the people who need it)

David Wegwart // May 11, 2011 05:40

Firstly, your work is stunning and helps inspire at so many levels.This list has been a great resource and what a body of work. Wow.

shabnam // May 14, 2011 09:51

A cool site i must say!!!

Creating a Photography Portfolio | Joey L : The Blog // May 21, 2011 00:13

[...] images that show a cohesive, yet diverse body of work I touched on this in my blog post about cohesive photographers, so I won't repeat myself. I spoke about photographers that have “a certain polish… a certain [...]

Sebastien Galarneau // May 21, 2011 01:29

Wow... what work... dpchallenge's wayyyy behind... awesome piece of art... I should rewatch your training DVD that you sold on dp's forum to get me back in photography a bit...:)cya

Andrew Doan // June 17, 2011 04:42

I've recently stumbled upon your site and found your work very inspiring. I am trying to break free from the type of work that I have been doing and try a new direction. All the informations/advise on your blog are very helpful. I just want you to know that I do appreciate them. Keep up the good great work that you do. Perhaps in the future we may collaborate on a fun project.


Pina Rigos Photography // December 10, 2011 12:21

love your work! Very inspirational...and thanks for this list! Pina

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